Guideline to Hiring an Email Marketing Company

Written by Marc Eskew

A common practice in today’s e-commerce environment is to use email marketing campaigns to launch advertising initiatives for products and services offered online. Since 2003, CAN-SPAM laws were enacted to protect consumers from abusive spammers and email marketing exploits have been harnessed. Once again, email campaigns are a viable marketing tool inrepparttar e-commerce world.

As with most things internet related, you need to be careful and use common sense when purchasing goods and services viarepparttar 108579 internet. Unlike traditional business transactions, you rarely meet face-to-face or even have a phone conversation with internet sellers. This makes it harder for buyers to gaugerepparttar 108580 validity of performance claims made at a seller’s website. So, if you are considering using email marketing to promote your product or service, practicerepparttar 108581 following four techniques for choosing a provider.

1. Make sure thatrepparttar 108582 provider is CAN-SPAM compliant.

Even though you are using a third-party to distribute your email campaign, you are still legally liable if your provider violatesrepparttar 108583 CAN-SPAM laws. Reputable providers will conspicuously advertise on their website if they are CAN-SPAM compliant. If they do not promote or state their compliance, you should steer clear of their services.

2. Ask for referrals.

Only deal with email marketers who are willing to give you referrals. I recommend at least 5 referrals with company names and contact information. Ideally, you will be able ask for and get a referral to a user who targetedrepparttar 108584 same or similar type of prospect you are targeting. Either way, require a diversity of companies and ask thatrepparttar 108585 referrals are from organizations outsiderepparttar 108586 email marketing industry.

Be sure to follow up and callrepparttar 108587 referrals. You can expect these referral sources to be some of their best customers who should able to provide you with accurate response results from their email marketing campaigns. You can also expect these results to be atrepparttar 108588 high end of your realistic results, so set your expectations accordingly. Also make sure to ask how helpful, flexible, and responsiverepparttar 108589 email marketing company is to special needs and complaints. This will help you to decide if they are a good fit for your company’s needs.

3. Find companies that offer email lists for your targeted market.

In some cases, emailing advertising to tens of millions of general prospects would make sense; however, many products and services are targeted at particular markets, making it important that you use a provider that can supply accurately targeted email lists. Targeted lists cost a little more money but, as with most things, you get what you pay for. In my experience, I have gotten better return rates paying $500 for 100,000 highly targeted emails versus paying $199 for 3,000,000 emails sent to a broader audience.

The 3 Most Popular Online Business Models

Written by Gobala Krishnan

Copyright © 2005 Gobala Krishnan

Amid allrepparttar noise and hype onrepparttar 108578 Internet today, not many people realize that allrepparttar 108579 ideas and techniques you can find are petty much useless if you don't first understand your business model. In other words, evenrepparttar 108580 most amazing Internet marketing technique will not work if you don't understand how to apply it to YOUR business.

The 3 most popular business models are:

1) Affiliate Marketing

This is perhapsrepparttar 108581 most popular one out there, since there are absolutely no barriers to entry. Almost anyone can sign-up for an affiliate program for free and start promotingrepparttar 108582 product or service onrepparttar 108583 Internet with hopes that someone will buy, giving them instant commissions. Affiliate marketers don't carry any risk, since they do not pay forrepparttar 108584 creation ofrepparttar 108585 product, they do not handle customer service and they do not need any up-front investments.

When you consider that those arerepparttar 108586 top three things people want to avoid, it's no surprise that almost everyone and their neighbor promotes an affiliate program or another. In fact, if there is a single reason whyrepparttar 108587 Internet today is so proliferated with ads and banners, it's because of affiliate programs.

Even though there are so many affiliate marketers out there, only 5% ever make any money and only 1% makes big money. The "Super Affiliates" do it very differently from allrepparttar 108588 other millions; therefore they earnrepparttar 108589 big checks. You can get a good idea of how to be a good affiliate marketer here:

2) E-book and Information Publishing

Sitting atrepparttar 108590 other end ofrepparttar 108591 spectrum, e-book authors need to be more disciplined in their approach to Internet marketing. Of course, they also need to invest more than affiliates do. While affiliates can get away trying to "get something for nothing"repparttar 108592 same is not true forrepparttar 108593 e-book type of business.

If you're thinking about publishing and selling your own e-book online, and you think it's going to be easy, think again. You'll need to learn a lot more than affiliates are required to. You'll need to spend some amount of money getting your business up and running. However, when you do it right,repparttar 108594 payoff in this online business model is much more rewarding.

The reason why e-book marketers and "Infopreneurs" make more money is simple; they have very, very low production and maintenance costs. Anything digital doesn't cost a single cent to be produced in millions if necessary. Whatever initial start-up costs spent can be covered by selling just a few copies of high-margin e-books, and you can even recruit an army of affiliates who are more than willing to do allrepparttar 108595 selling for you.

Of course, it's not as easy as it sounds, butrepparttar 108596 point is, when done properly,repparttar 108597 "E-book Publishing" model is a truly profitable business. You can learn more about e-book publishing at

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